Thursday, October 28, 2010

Class Links

Here are some of my classmates’ blogs who I found very interesting.
I really enjoyed reading this blog because immigration is such a big issue.  The argument about reforming immigration laws was presented in an unbiased view.  The blog explained the different sides of the debate and what exactly needs to be done to reform immigration laws.
I started reading this blog because I did not know much about the issue of the Mosque in Manhattan.  I knew this issue would be very controversial, but the blog did not present any bias.  The issue of the Mosque being built in Manhattan was thoroughly explained, and I gained a better understanding of the issue.
I liked reading this blog because genocide is close issue to me.  The blog did a great job in explaining the different genocides in the world and creating awareness.  The blog did not present any bias, and it presented genocide as a bigger issue that our country needs to be aware of.

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