Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Introduction and Admissions in College

As I was reading other introduction blog, I realized my introduction blog was more like a blog post, so I will introduce my position here.  There is a growing number of minorities in America through birth and immigration.  America established to affirmative action to make amends for blacks and females for past discrimination.  Republicans feel affirmative action is not necessary anymore, while Democrats feel it is very necessary.  Affirmative action is needed to allow for minorities to have fair job opportunities in the workplace.
Affirmative action is a measure that allows consideration to guarantee that minorities are allowed the same opportunities to be included in pools with qualified candidates.  One of the pools is college.  Race can be a factor in state funded colleges in admissions.  College admissions look at race to diverse its campus.  Some students would not be able to get into their college of choice had it not been for affirmative action.  Affirmative action allows for all students to be looked at on the same playing field.  There are many minorities who come from low performing schools, so even though the student has high grades, he might not be as strong as a student who went to a private school.  One strong believer of affirmative action in college admissions is Colin Powell.  Powell wants to have everything in the country to be race neutral, however he does not believe are there yet.  He thinks race should be a factor along with many other factors for college admissions.  If more minorities are in college, then more minorities will enter into the workplace.


  1. I agree with affirmative action. Like you were saying above, I think that without affirmative action students from lower performing schools would not have an opportunity to go to their college of choice. Often times students in private schools or other, higher performing schools receive a better education then students in lower performing schools. A better education obviously improves the students from higher performing schools chances of getting into college. However, just because a student in a lower performing school does not receive the same education as a student in a higher performing school does not mean that a student in lower performing schools is not as smart. They still deserve a chance to prosper in college and affirmative action gives them this chance.

  2. You have a very good point. Just because the students are in low performing schools does not mean that can not do equally as well or better in college as students who are in private school. Affirmative action gives everybody a fair chance to prosper in college. All people deserve the right to education and affirmative action allows for students to receive that education.

  3. Yes I definitely agree with you both. Because a person is not given the same opportunities as another more fortunate student, we want both to get accepted to college. But, I am a little confused by what you mean by affirmative action. I have heard the court case that declared affirmative action on a case-to-case basis, but could you give a definition for it? I think that would strengthen your argument. Also, your point also leads me to believe that there might be needs for educational reforms if school systems have such drastic performance rates. Your final statement "If there were more minorities in college, then minorities will be more prominent in the workplace," really sums up your argument!

  4. Yes, affirmative action can be on a case-to-case basis, however in my argument I was just using to support college admissions and job opportunities. Many colleges do take race into consideration when accepting students to its university because of affirmative action; however race is never the major decision factor. When race becomes the major decision factor that is where the courts challenged affirmative action and made it a case-to-case basis.
    I agree with you that educational reforms are needed in the school systems. I am from Charlotte, which is a big city, and I have witnessed firsthand why the performance rates are so drastic. Depending on where you live and how much money you have determines the strength of your child’s education. This is so wrong, and I wish I could do further research to show the drastic change and what needs to be done to improve it.
