Friday, October 29, 2010

Self Analysis

The first day this blog project was assigned, I had no idea what topic I wanted to do.  I started off very broad with the topic racism and sexism in America.  Dr. Frost said I had to narrow down that broad topic to a specific topic in that area.  My original focus was minorities in the workplace, and how they are increasing.  However, by doing more research I found a better argument about how affirmative action is used in colleges and the workplace.  The issue of affirmative action in the workplace is not one of the main political issues right now, and that is why I chose to do it.  I wanted to inform others about this important topic.
During my research process, I read many articles that were factual and articles that were opinionated.  The reading of these articles lead me to the two sides of this issue as people who want affirmative action to continue or people who want affirmative action to stop.  This debate can also be viewed politically as Democrats vs. Republicans.  Democrats want to continue the idea of affirmative action in the workplace, while Republicans would like affirmative action to end.  My opinion was affirmative action is needed to ensure minorities are represented fairly in the workplace.  From the beginning of the blog until now my opinion has not changed, however now I feel more educated on this topic because I presented both sides of the argument without bias, and defended my opinion.   A solution to make both sides of the issue happy is for employers to market jobs for a diverse group of people, which would lead to a diverse applicant pool the employer could choose from.  More qualified minorities would apply for a job that was marketed towards a diverse group of people.
As the country moves forward, I am curious to see if affirmative action in the workplace will continue or will it be done away with.  With the election of the country’s first African-American president, the country seems to be moving in the right direction.
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog!


  1. I do not see affirmative action being the issue it used to be. Our parent grew up in a very bitter world where racial tensions were high and inequality ran ramped but we have come long way from when the southern senators filibuster any progress with respects to affirmative action. I think that racism stems from ignorance and unfortunately there will always be some of both. However it has gotten better the world we live in today does not have to deal with the issues in the way it used to.

  2. I agree. I think the country has come along way with discrimnation and racism. I like how the country has approved its relations with how they handle race. However, affirmative action still needs to be used because there is still racism and discrimination. I don't think that will ever go away. But, as we go into the future I think affirmative action will become less and less needed.

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