Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Theory Post

This issue is polarized because Democrats want affirmative action to continue, while Republicans want to end affirmative action.  Republicans believe that affirmative action has already done its job since there are minorities in leadership positions, and it causes reverse discrimination because the best candidate for the job may not have been hired because the company had to hire a minority to fill a quota.  Democrats believe affirmative action is still necessary because not everybody in this country is born with the same opportunities.  Affirmative action allows for all people, especially minorities, to get equal treatment when applying to colleges and the workplace.  I discussed in my analysis post how students growing up in a majority minority inner city school are at a disadvantage when applying for college.  If these minorities do not get into college, then they will not be in the workplace.  One solution  to solve the problem and make both sides happy is to advertise the job to a diverse group of applicants to apply for the job.  The company would be able to hire the most qualified applicant and also meet its requirement of minority employees.  Having company’s advertise jobs to a diverse group gives everybody, including minorities, to get a fair chance in receiving the job.  In the future, I do not really see both sides coming together and saying that affirmative action is not needed, or it is needed, but I it will become less and less of an issue debated.


  1. I think that your theory is a good idea. But, it is hard to come up with a theory in this situation because it is hard to find a balance between the two sides. But I do think it is hard for employers to decide who the best candidate is if they have to worry about affirmative action.

  2. I agree, finding a theory for both sides of the issue is very hard. If employers made the job offers more diverse, then they would receive more diverse candidates applying. Affirmative action would not be a worry of the employer because there would be at least one minority candidate that would fit all the qualifications the employer wanted.
