Friday, October 15, 2010

Reflection on Anaylsis Post

After researching affirmative action, I learned some new interesting facts.  As big of issue as affirmative action is, many people do not know about it.  I find that odd considering it involves college admissions and employment.  Even the two many political parties do not discuss the topic of affirmative action, even though the strongly oppose each other.  Minorities are the ones who should be well informed about affirmative action, yet they are the ones who mostly do not know about affirmative action.  I maybe wrong, but I think that is a problem.  How can minorities fight for the issue of affirmative action, if they do not even know what it is?  If the government decided to take affirmative action away, most minorities could not come up with the first reason why affirmative action is necessary.  Minorities need to be educated on the issue of affirmative action so they will know what they are fighting for. 
On to a lighter note, affirmative action allows for an increase in minority workers in the workplace.  Think about it, if there are more minorities in colleges that means more minorities will be graduating and entering the workplace.  In my analysis post, I found research that shows minorities in inner-city schools are at a disadvantage when applying to colleges than students who go to school in the suburbs.   Everybody deserves an equal chance to be accepted by colleges, and affirmative action provides that opportunity.  This same justification can be applied to the workplace.  Everyone deserves an equal chance at employment, especially high level management jobs.  Without affirmative action, minorities would not be represented in college or the workplace.

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