Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Unemployment Rates of Miniority Workers

As I stated in my earlier blog, minority groups have been projected to increase in numbers by the year 2014.  However, I do not think these projections accounted for this current economic recession.  Minority workers have the highest unemployment rates in America.  African Americans and Latinos have the highest unemployment rate among the minority groups.  As of March of this year, 13.2 million Americans were unemployed.  While Caucasians unemployment rate was 7.9%, African Americans had an unemployment rate of 13.3% and Latinos had an unemployment rate of 11.4%.  As the numbers show, this economic situation has been devastating for minority workers, and there seems to be no hope in sight.  Because of the high unemployment rate of minority groups, they are said to be in a depression and not a recession.  Clearly, a depression is worse than a recession.
I am a college freshman and these current statistics scare me to death.  In three to four years, I will be out of college looking for a job, but if these unemployment rates keep climbing, there may not be a job for me.  I can only imagine how other minorities feel who just graduated college.  Minorities are already at a disadvantage when competing for jobs (that is why we need affirmative action), and this weak economy does not help minorities either.  Minorities want to be successful, but they always seem to be getting the short end of the stick.  I have read articles stating that affirmative action should end.  Now if this were to happen, these unemployment rates are going to increase drastically.

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